Course reading.
Listed below are texts, journals and websites that are used within our taught sessions.
- Core Content Framework – this document defines in detail the minimum entitlement of all trainee teachers it draws on the best available evidence and has been independently reviewed by the Education Endowment Foundation. Within each area, key evidence statements (‘Learn that…’) have been drawn from current high-quality evidence from the UK and overseas. A full bibliography is provided within the CCF with suggested reading to support your critical engagement with research. This evidence includes high-quality reviews and syntheses, including meta-analyses and rigorous individual studies.
2. Within our sessions on Learning, Memory and Metacognition we study the following documents:
3. During the first few weeks of your PGCE you will be introduced to Better Start Blackpool who deliver a session on how adverse childhood experiences affect the developing brain. Better Start have recommended the following FREE 20 hour course as a follow up to that session:
Brain Story Certification is designed for those seeking a deeper understanding of brain development and its consequences for lifelong health. The course is also designed for professionals seeking certification in a wide range of fields.
4. Education Inspection Framework:
5. Phonics and reading:
Reading for pleasure
6. Literacy:
7. Maths: